
英国糖业产品持Kosher认证 其坎特里厂产品打破记录


  英国糖业坎特里工厂在其一百周年纪念之初因结晶体产品而正在打破记录。 KLBD 为英国糖业提供提供了 Kosher 认证服务,视察坎特里和所有其他的工厂。在当前的活动中,四家工厂平均糖含量18.2pc。温和和非常干燥的天气已经帮助种植者提供非常好的条件和非常低的“污垢”稗子作物。

  Hambidge 先生说“他们(坎特里)已经打破了结晶体产品的记录,说:"因为欧洲的糖业改革,实际上是在欧盟范围内的结构性短缺,这可能代表了一个机会。"

  英国糖业拥有多种糖类,糖浆和软糖的 Kosher 认证。欲了解更多信息,请访问他们的网站在

  KLBD是世界领先的Kosher认证机构之一 ,涉及6大洲,50多个国家,给多国食品加工和原料制造商提供Kosher认证服务,提供拉比,食品技术专家及食品化学家专业服务。在人们日益注重健康的今天,Kosher的含义已远远超出宗教范畴,大量非犹太人购买 Kosher 食品。 其拉比会到马来西亚,中国,印度和越南审核的食品和原料的加工,以供应欧洲和美国的Kosher 市场。 Kosher 证书已成为产品高质量与高品质的标志,在越来越多的食品展上, Kosher 认证书已成为外商采购的标准之一. 中国企业的产品如果要出口,使其产品获得 Kosher 认证能将企业带入一个更高的平台,美国人对外国食品的需求越来越大,为亚洲食品供应商带来庞大的市场机会。中国美食早已广被接受,愿中国相关企业多多了解 Kosher 文化,关注 Kosher 市场,及时进入该市场,获得商机。

参考British Sugar's Cantley factory is breaking records for crystal production at the start of its centenary year. KLBD provides Kosher certification services to British Sugar and inspects Cantley and all their other factories.

In the current campaign, the four factories were averaging 18.2pc sugar content. In the same week last year, the average was 16.1pc and within hours, it had fallen last January to a fraction over 15pc as factories struggled to slice and process beet.

The mild and exceptionally dry weather has helped growers to deliver crops in exceeding good condition and with very low "dirt" tares. And because the weather has remained so mild and many growers, especially in east Norfolk have left substantial areas in the ground, sugar yields have not shown the usual post-Christmas dip. Mr Hambidge, who has enjoyed one of his best years and has averaged 70 tonnes after last year's disaster, had the last of his beet lifted this week.

"I don't expect it to be delivered for a week or two. The weather has given me great peace of mind compared to last year."

While many growers have easily achieved yields of more than 100 tonnes per hectare, it also been a very good income earner for the year. As the sugar levels at Cantley have been running at between 18.5pc and 19pc, the factory was refining record volumes of sugar. In a typical campaign, Cantley would slice about 9,000 tonnes of beet a day at 17pc but was now producing 10pc more crystal sugar a day from these high sugars.

"They've been breaking records for crystal production," said Mr Hambidge, who said that because of Europe's sugar reforms there was actually a structural shortage within the EU and this might represent an opportunity. "It is in my interest that British Sugar is a profitable company. And the announcement that it intends to pay ?25 per tonne for surplus beet in next season's campaign is also welcome," he added.

British Sugar holds Kosher certification for a variety of sugars, syrups and fondants. For more information visit their website at

This article originally appeared in a slightly different form on the Eastern Daily Press website, written by Michael Pollitt, Agricultural Editor

Picture ? 2012 Archant Community Media Ltd.

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